احصل على التطبيق
أرسل واستقبل رسائل مجهولة

احصل على التطبيق لإرسال واستقبال الرسائل المجهولة 💌

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Good job
Hi Denali! 👋🏻
That's beautiful art
Why thank you ☺️
Goodnight 😴
Sleep well
Goodnight Jan
Hi all
Herrow Apollo 🖐
Bite bites!!! 🤤
Homemade tacos? 🤤
Nice! I made chicken tacos for my dinner. Those do look good.
I havent eaten yet. No clue what I want so I probably just won't lol
I’m that way at lunch figuring out what to have
I dont like to waste stuff so if i can't decide on something I'd rather just not try to eat anything. It's frustrating lol
Lol no
Pinterest is a great app for meal ideas
Taco bell 💀
Taco bell is always a winner heh
Pls be careful saying outside apps idk what all they consider third party
I was gonna make porkchops but my bf wanted taco bell
So we went with that
Fat is pretty
Fast food is when all decision making fails 😂😂
I’m guilty
He said he felt like he still would've been hungry lol
So we just ordered out
Less Clean-Up ordering out
Yeah the only thing that's a plus lol other than it always tastes better after cooking all the time
I’m looking forward to Spring and grilling out
Like don't get me wrong I love the food I cook but take out is always a bit better
Now i want taco bell i think heh
Do itt
Same here, enjoy cooking but I cooked and ran food service departments on merchant ships for years, figuring out meals at home is harder sometimes, flashbacks of menu planning for 45 people. Hahaha
I just recently stopped working food industry lol never again!!!
I worked in a convenience store kitchen for about a yr and made pizzas mostly and I legit hated pizza for a while
I get that WarMom
No matter where you cook home or commercial there’s always that one person that is unpleaseable
Hi everyone