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🎂𝓑𝓸𝓸𝓶 𝓑𝓸𝓸𝓶 𝓡𝓸𝓸𝓶🍒

>>> Milfs likeee in 30s she's just a hot girl ... But she is a mom I'd like to f ....no?
She a mom
I meann
Hit it then I’ll get the milk for the mom and the son
Hit and run
Drive by nutting
Lmao I’ll be setting the world record for fastest hit and run
Which means by that logic ... You could be a gilf by 36 😭
What's a gilf
She want a hit and eunn
ay if the shoe fits
theres def young gilfs
The evolution of a milf
Young Version of milf?
A grandparent id like to smash
U gon give someone grand daddy a heart attack
Free life insurance payment right there
>>> U gon give someone grand daddy a heart attack I'm pretty sure that would be his dream way to die
Go off with a bang
He'll remember that
No he wouldn’t cuz he’ll be dead
Yes he will he'll remember he die a heavenly way
But you’re brain is not working while you are dead
>>> But you’re brain is not working while you ... But those moments right before are what determine if you become a ghost
Is that a bazooka
Latina 🔥
Too high to think bout that lmao
Or latino?
Ong bro Latinas are bad af
Bad as in good
Bad ass
Or bad as in bad!
pm no limitss
Bad as in fkn hawt
Pm limits
Latinas are not for beginners
Pm to get ignored
Real, I learned that the hard way