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CCrying Room 😭😢😩

Alhamdulillah good 😊 how's u?
Good 😊 thanks for asking 🫶
Wow aslan never missed 😭
Aslan issa boss of fake criers 🚮
Any lady up for a chat?
I’ve been told two of my exes look similar. Anyone want to give an opinion? And guess why they left me?
Wow this room has 16k users but why its ded 🤔
Since anti has been dead 🥺
Some rooms still alive and active tho
Its sad to see this room die 🥲
Yeah 🥺🥺
I saw you Shareef 🙄
Bot 🤖?
Anybody crying here 👁️👁️
Doky nice avatar and accessories 🥳🫶
Thankies hun 🥰🫶
Hi 🫶🫶
Cry me a river 🏞️
Cry cryy cryyyyyyiieeeeoo
Cryyyyiieeeeeeeeee kaaarraaaeeeoooo koreeeeoooouuuuuooouuooouuo
Cryyyy caaarrraaayeeeeee cryyyyy
Cryy moree
Be careful, you will be banned due to spam
Bro onion
Guys he's onion 🧅 not orion 🐹 okay 👍🏻
Yep got it
It reminds me of onion rings 😋
Yumm 🤤🥲