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جنوب آسيا/

CChatterLand 🇮🇳 (OG)

Is he still in jail?
Yes he is
Why did he go to jail ??
Don’t know
Good morning
Good morning
Good morning
Good morning
Good morning srivas
Morning Alice
Morning Alice 🤗
Good morning peace 🙂
Good morning Peace
You both Had coffee ??
Morning sri
I had
About to get ready for work
Yep i had too
Noice how's weather there?
Very cold 🥶
It’s beautiful
Yeah too cold today
Wats the temperature
It’s 20 right now
Wow 😮
Night must have been lower
Where is founder?
She must be sleeping again escaping from this cold
Yeah it is and I slept with fan running at full speed
Wow why?
I can't sleep without fan
But its freezing
Yeah but I have a cozy blanket
That’s good
Good morning
Good afternoon