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Mr fantastic 🍪☕
Kind king 👋🏻 🌹
How u been sir
I can't complain..busy..no time..so kinda just life🤣
How about you?
But when I go out for groceries...city is packed..like everyone has all the time in the world..I'm doing something wrong🤣
Ghostie you have a family?
My son lives with me..along with a couple hockey players I board
Even a couple gifts didn't wake this place up🙄
Sweet ghostyyy tysm for your help 🥹🫶🥰
It was night time asian people were asleep
I have a coupon to receive a gift for absolutely nothing.
Anyone ??
Send me too if you got extra :3
I'm not a karma digger
We all dig something
I need a shovel so I can dig
Yells.... for ghost 👻
Gift me
For nothing
Awe I missed gabby🥹
Miss stand...my favorite pyromaniac 🔥
Hope your having a good weekend
Kuya GHOSTTTTT my fav Kuya on anti 💗💗
Ghostie i got to 20k😁😁😁😁😁😁
Now now lowkey..you've got plenty from me😬
This poor room😫
Some nights I just think it's time to give up🤷
Oh don't give up please
We'll see...its starting to seem like a lost cause
I've gone broke trying
Oh hope you receive gifts
Hahaha...not gonna happen..I like your optimism though birdie
Don't worry you will receive it
Well I think I'll set a goal..If I don't meet it..may just give up