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LLaughing Room 🤣😂😄

>>> 🧙‍♀️🧹💫💬💭 hi Hello 🤪💭
Wrong sticker 😂🤣
🍅O🌽R🥦I🥗 hi
>>> 🍅O🌽R🥦I🥗 hi 👋🏻👋🏻
Ha ha ha haaaa
See ya 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ha ha ha ha
Morning happy cute people 😊🌞🌞💖💗
Good morning Linda!!
Fact : Human beings are the only creatures capable of smiling and laughing. So why not laugh and smile all the time?
>>> Fact : Human beings are the only creatures... It would look creepy if you're about to go into surgery and everyone is smiling at you like full toothed open wide smile that makes you think "am I going to wake up? If I do will I be missing half my brain and lungs? Will I be sent to Russia and be made to serve?" Lol 😆
Can’t you train animals to smile too? 🤔 and I don’t mean with ai
Good morning 🌞
Idk 😂
It's a quote from One Piece where a character can't stop laughing and smiling
Hello room, good afternoon
Morning laughter people