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It’s my bed time so sweet dreams
Are ya though
Yes lol
Hello kinky women
Hosting females today, let’s make some content.
Hi looking to go on a date to find a third for my relationship
I’m moving to idaho from Texas soon. So is thought I check out the idaho rooms. There a total of 3 oh them. All dead. Haha
Pretty much
Idaho is pretty relaxing
I know been there many times. My oldest lives there. And I’m Joining her this year
Where abouts?
Outside of Boise
Omg me too 🙂such a small big world
Mountain Home
Hi people 🤣
Any females around Star want to hangout with me and my girlfriend this afternoon. DM me.
Looking to makeout and cuddle tonight we could do orals too.
I go to MoHo often for work!
Cool 😎
What kind of work. My son will be needing to find a job once we get up there. 😎
I work at one of the local banks there, pm and I can let you know more 😊
Looking for cuddles and orals and something rough tonight.
How was everybody's valentines
I'm alive
Local females around the Star area wanna hang?
Fair enough
Any girls here?
I’m bored af
Nice to meet you, bored
Me too
Any females around Star awake?
Coeur D’alene
Hello 👋 How y’all doing
Terrible, thanks
Liking to get eaten out tonight and drilledZ
45 Single dad here USA looking for a room for rent
Ladies in Star?
I’m bored af
Hey y'all. Have a good weekend!!
You have a good weekend to.