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أرسل واستقبل رسائل مجهولة

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PPlaystation Gamers 🎮

Who wants to play cod
Ok I think I had enough of Genshin
Anyone on?
Does anyone still play kf2?
i play kf2
i’m waiting for kf3 actually
So am I
i’m super excited for kf3 🥺
I’ve been waiting for years lol
I signed up for the closed beta
when is that releasing? i didn’t realize there was a sign up😭
At the end of march if I’m not mistaking
And I think the closed beta is only like a week before the release
But I take it you’re not up for playing atm? 🥲
i’m down to play
and wow lunch u took my mod status away
I know not how that happened
Yooooo has anyone been playing that 7 Days recently?