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>>> Yeah I have a life to live Unfortunately.
Get blocked lmao. You're as bad as the wacko
Even worse
You got no reason to be this annoying
Dumb trolls
The dragonfly hammas supporter wont find that funny
Good 😊
Imagine how she'd feel about Israeli operations on hundreds of targets
Ngl the memes coming out of the Lebanon-Syria attacks against the terrorists are hilarious
Where do you even find them
You like that platform?
I used to like it and Elon made it incredibly bad
>>> I used to like it and Elon made it incredi... He got rid of the bias
And you already posted that garbage meme yesterday
You're biased as hell clearly
I followed nothing but academics and game companies
And he started promoting politics, bots and propaganda
You must have been pissed when trump said he admitted he lost recently
>>> You're biased as hell clearly Look in your mirror 🪞
"No u"
Another republican with an intellectual disability
Who would have guessed
Weird homepage
Imagine breathing politics and news in every platform
>>> Another republican with an intellectual di... 😉
Divide and conqure is real in this room
It works so well
This shows you have absolutely no idea about history 🤦‍♂️
I got my account back
>>> I got my account back Were you banned or something?
An Chonks