all i’ve been told is she had a pulse at the scene but it’s critical and everybody’s running around and the paramedic said they found her hanging from the light
It’s not ready to be picked up yet
That’s why I said Friday you dweeb
The guys are really holding out tonight
what’s going on in texas anyway
normality is what i need right now
i need to stay distracted
Been cravin oysters for a bit
That’s why: My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others.
>>> Been cravin oysters for a bit
With salt lime and Tabasco
>>> i need to stay distracted
Just remember to be strong. Listen to some music and have a convo with us maybe play a game on your phone
I love Valentina just not on my oysters
I love biscuits with honey
Stop collaborate and listen
Yo vanilla ice foooks huh
Dude I wanna go see limp bizkit with Corey Feldman
Also hello cherry, love of my life