>>> It’s dat boi CHILAYE
it’s da man BARRY
Squish you do hard drugs? 🤨
>>> Squish you do hard drugs? 🤨
Hahaha nahhhh i got priorities booo
Say no to drugs and pre marital sex kids
If you have sex you will get pregnant and DIE
I would thooo id do em allll
If they(government) dont want us doing em
Id do en extra
>>> If you have sex you will get pregnant and DIE
Idk about the pregnant part
Men don’t die when you have sex
I feel.like squish struggled in HS
Men will get their pps bit off by the teeth of the vageen
Chil understands the assignment
>>> Men will get their pps bit off by the teet...
Damn I wish
>>> I feel.like squish struggled in HS
I went to hs in cali
Everyone did😑😑😑
Y’all sentences don’t make sense sometimes
Imagine her puzzy clench so hard it breaks ur D off 🥵
I wish we had teethe there
Or idk what u wanted to be called
>>> I wish we had teethe there [❤️1]
I dont the mouth hurts enough
>>> Who from SA here?
I am wuzgood