if this is your attempt at rizz you should quit while you are behind 😭😭
I’m quite literally being serious
it’s anti you never know LMAO
That’s fair 😭
the amount of shtty openers and attempts to pull i’ve seen here is way too much 😭
tryna pull on antiland is next level down bad. jus go to thailand atp
okay have you read every other message in this chat 😭😭
yes yes but like still doesnt change that its crazy asl
i be accidentally pulling here but thats just cause im autistic, you don’t wanna be here when i start talking about dinosaurs
i rock w dinosaurs. whatchu know ab the dilophosasaurus
i’m a bit rusty since i got into hotwheels but don’t look up the dinosaur with 500 teeth 😰
nah hotwheels is a W. my friends dad has almost every single toyota hotwheels in existence. hellokitty x toyota collabs. back to the future x toyota collabs. everything
i got the camaro hotwheels for my camaro 😎
oh yuhhh, what yr?
2012, gen 5 is the best body style 🤤🤤
cheeky 6.2L V8 no? ive worked on a few camaros. manny or auto?
its the v6 i got it for cheap with intent to swap it, it’s manual tho 😎
hell yeah! manual camaro is more than a flex. i wanna see it now 🙏🏼 you dont even have to swap it, nothin wrong w a v6.
i want the v8 sounds tho 🤤
valid valid, v8s sound insane. more power too, turn off traction control and have a lil bit of fun
especially an LS3, my final plan is to go twin turbo though but that’s probably gonna be after i graduate college 😭
biggest expense will be gas lmao, definitely worth doing tho. building something ur proud of is the best feeling ever. you have the foundation tho so congrats fs, enjoy it before you have to take it off the road for a long time while the LS3 is being put in, loom, ecu, etc
i’m gonna get all the stuff for it and find a 2 post lift i can use, shouldn’t be too hard because all my friends are mechanics, debating on whether i wanna squeeze the turbos in the front or do rear mounted turbos, if i do rear turbos i probably can’t lower it tho 😔
you gotta leave space in the front for decent sized intercooler etc, rear mount turbos not as good for airflow or youll need a whole lotta piping etc but it would look pretty cool & worst comes to worst you get bags. coilovers definitely cheaper & comfier but if its a dream build then you can get it all done slowly over time
if i do rear mount the temps are cooler though, i can run it with an intercooler as well and push some more boost. lag is gonna be a mf tho
antilag, but now we've gone way past budget 😭 how much power do you want? bc too much and now ur doing internals, injectors and all the rest that goes with it. depends what ur turbos r rated for as well
oh if i’m pushing any boost im doing a full gasket kit, forged internals, and stronger head studs, while im at it i might as well throw a performance cam in there and get a nice idle sound, turbos are definitely down the road but ill have a comp sci salary so its not much of an issue
you know ur stuff 🫡🫡 get that lumpy sound. i hope to see the final build one day. gatlinburg or somewhere cool !
i could def go to gatlinburg with it, that’s like a 3 hour drive
id have to fly out but i definitely wanna go one day. gatlinburg & daikoku are like the dream locations for cars
i see a sht ton here in nash, some guy came to the gas station i work at with an RX-7, also had a mclaren pull up along with a few lamborghinis and bentleys. its crazy cause i work at a tiny secluded one in the middle of nowhere 😭
dude what are you on
whaaaat supercars are pretty rare here. i love seeing other peoples builds jus pull up to places randomly. has me so gassed for the rest of the day 😭 theres a dude i see at carshows every so often with a libertywalk 458. its unreaaal. thats my dream supercar fs
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