This person seems to be claiming to be trans
I just me the most beautiful local in the whole city... God damn
Sir just cause your by the Effiel tower doesn’t make it Paris
I think Laura might be a catfish
lol you ain’t the first to say that
Effiel tower me so I can pretend I’m in Paris
Wave I’ll take you up there if you agree to let me get to second base
And yes Laura is highly likely a manly man
Why are you a man with a pink bubble
Wave do you like girly men
No I like my men straight
No dik in the booti type shyt
Laura admit you’re dudely
Laura is a girl but she is a catfish
Why are u always picking on me
Or are you another person
No I’ve been around forever
And I believe you to be a dudebro
But please prove otherwise
Are you ready for Wrestlemania 41 @ Allegiant Stadium 🏟️ April