That’s when it’s time to find a hiding spot
Yeah sleep in the bosses office last place there look
Find an unlocked supply cupboard or an air vent
I’m at a comic show can’t sleep here
>>> Chat so dead
Revive it then
I wonder what topic it’ll be today
I do love a good bit of drama
Those who wish to follow me
>>> I wonder what topic it’ll be today
Probably someone tried getting with someone 😂
I’m betting it’ll be the religious topic
I reckon it’s always this gc 😅
>>> I reckon it’s always this gc 😅
I mean I've seen the other GCs
Confessions was pretty bad
I can’t be in more than 2 group chats
>>> How do you keep up, Paul
Im only active in a few at a time
i need to get in the shower
gunna post a selfie and get bullied about how fat i am