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BBible Help Verses🙏

We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers;
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And the sons of the prophets that were at Bethel came forth to Elisha, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the LORD will take away thy master from thy head to day? And he said, Yea, I know it; hold ye your peace.
Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
I need a verse to help someone that feels they are abandoned by God
Deuteronomy 31:8: "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you
Hi I really need to talk with someone
Wats up friend
LORD, what is man, that thou takest knowledge of him! or the son of man, that thou makest account of him!
Does the lord send backsliders to hell?
Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.
Now therefore, O LORD our God, I beseech thee, save thou us out of his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the LORD God, even thou only.