I didn’t think it was gonna get cold enough to ice fish this year ngl
I would ice fish 🐠 up north not good ice down here
My photo blocked. I`ve got low reputation (karma). Should try again after 1 min. of text chatting. Still don't get it? Read tutorial https:www.antiland.comentutorial#photo <$
canada fella are you in mi rn?
No lol. The Canada group chats are slow so I figured michagan is close enough 😂
😂 are close to toronto then?
I’m around there in a roundabout kinda way 😂
LMAO what does that even mean 😂
Down to smoke and cuddle 🥰
Im always down to smoke and cuddle
I need a serious relationship on serious people to dm me
It means I’m really not that close 😂
I just thought Michigan people ice fished and liked hockey lol so maybeeee I would be okay here 😂
you are welcomed here canada fella
Obviously you are if you’re here looking for a serious relationship
Are you a male or a female??