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CChess lovers

whats the main line in forunights
but it seems fun
I’m way too lazy to notate that out lol
Yeah go for it! As again openings don’t matter. Just play whatever and try to enjoy the learning process
what is your fide rating dood
0 I guess lol
bro you got to play
I’ve never played over the board. In fact I’ve only ever played on my phone. Lol
lichess or chess con
Both but mostly chesscon lately. The evil empire ha
not learning openings is kinda stupid, u just end up playing the four knights every time😂
i endes up funding the evil empire... premium was 50% off recently. forgive me for wanting a good looking game review
saragossa and dunst? i can tell why you call yourself deranged now
What’s your guys ratings? I’m getting close to 2000ish
in chessccon or lichess
mine is somewhere around 1700
On chesscom
Nice 👍
im laggin being
Lol iv I do alright with them. And I’m too lazy to learn anything more “sound”
Here puzzle time… had a brilliant against the 2602 bot a while ago… then proceeded to bungle it into a draw 😡 White to play and win material:
is it Qg7
No I like your thinking tho
There ya go!
Discovery on the queen, if queen takes then rook pins queen blah blah
if not we are attacking f7
heaven knows if it was a puzzle id autopilot Qg7
Lol iv. Why not as it’s almost m1! Worth a shot!
Knight h6 would be better
Cuz queen is attacked, otherwise pinning the queen is better
Yeahhh I guesssss
🦗 🦗
yes dude
if carlsen didn't gave up the title he would still be the champion
He doesn’t care that’s the problem
carlsen did enough lol
He did more than enough