Doing a cave survey tomorrow. Not sure what else I’ll get up to this weekend
I loved surveying caves. Nobody’s drawings ever matched. Now everything is digital. No fun in that. Did you join a spelunker club
Oh they still draw it. Just transfer to digital.
I haven’t done the mapping side of it yet though.
I haven’t officially joined the grotto. I can never make the meetings
But I’m part of the CRF just from doing so many survey trips with them
I get to go to Kentucky this month!! Finally
I miss Arizona already haha. The warmth was amazing
Yeah the southwest is always a place I want to be
Biggest cave! Finally get to survey in mammoth
West Virginia and Pa have a lot of caves
Missouri really has a ton of caves. I’m never lacking haha
But it would be cool to get out that way
Ohio is the furthest I have been
Hi nerd!! It should be a great time
Im getting back to the beach finally tomorrow cant wait
Should be a solid day of water fun
Jealous. It’s not quite warm enough for water fun here but the sun has been nice when it’s been out
I think the water is mid sixties
That’s a little chilly haha
But as long as the sun is hot
I prefer the water on the chilly side
When its peak summer its like a warm bath lol
Yeah I don’t like the warm water like that but I hate the spring fed icy cold waters too
Mid 60s isn’t bad if I really think about I guess haha
Not sure when its too cold tho
Yeah that makes sense this time of year
Pool water is 74. Is that warm enough
I would love that! Or just a hot tub in the winter
No no. You do that in the pool
Haha, you all are invited