I feel like this has something to do with astrology
It really was
But a good thing about the week is the fact that I spoke to my sister this week!!
(She moved to another city and her son broke her phone so I haven't been able to get ahold of her )
So at least that happened
>>> I feel like this has something to do with ...
The stars just hate me🫠🫠🫠
3 of my friends gave birth the last 2 months and I'm so happy for them but Damm
The way I’d swap uterus with you if I could
ooo glads she’s okay thooo
I'm starting grief therapy on Tuesday
But enough of me and my sadness
How are you to beautiful ladies❤️❤️❤️
that’s good, it’ll be okay ❤️
Not to be dramatic
But there is a big chance we are gonna put down our cat
He's really old and suffering
He's also constantly losing weight
If it’s for the better then let it be 🥺
He bit me and our neighbour the other day cause he physically can't be touched
My life feels like a very badly written Wattpad story lately 🫠✋💀
yeah maybe it’s time, just take him in and ask about a quality of life
He really is
And my mil keeps telling him to just die (which soundsVERY INSENSITIVE and I thought so too at the beginning) but she really doesn't wanna put him down but she feels like he has little to no quality of life left🥺🥺🥺
if youre unsure what to do
it’s for the best it sucks to see them like that
Our last step is to deworm him tmrw
And If that really doesn't help him pick up any weight
We gonna say bye,🥺💔💔
I think she's hoping the reason he's struggling to pick up weight is cause of worms and that if she deworms him he'll pick up weight and she doesn't have to make the decision
But idrk
Cause we do have to deworm our other cats (they don't have worms as far as I know we just do it every 6 months)
My other cat also has a vet check up soon and most likely gonna have to wear a cone cause she's been scratching the living crap out of her neck 🫠✋
And I just wanna take away all their painanxiety cause my poor babies are suffering and Idk why
I wish I could like speak to them and ask them all the questions 🥺😩
would be so nice 🥲 like dat would be easier 😔
Anyone here wanna play a Truth or Dare game?
Having pets is so stressful and I know I'm not a bad owner but all of them hurting so much makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong😭💔
Or at least I really hope I'm a good owner
Cause I don't see my cats as pets
They are my babies
And part of my family 🥹❣️
My cat did that she ended up weighing damn near nothing
It sucks but the end result is their not suffering but it’s hard I’ve been there 🫂🫂