I have been here I never left y’all left me
Well all over the place but I'm here
Yeah I don’t even see you in any rooms anymore we used to be in like 5 together loo
I cleaned out my list a while back of ones I wasn't active in
I’ll come back if anti stops being so dead
But what’s the alternative
Wow so we went good enough … I thought you loved us 😩
Arnt * wtf why didn’t it put went lol
I do but you guys aren’t around either 😂
I’m come here every day to get my bonus and to look out over the vast wasteland, reminiscing of the good ole days
Right this app use to be fun
I’m sure one of these days it’ll recover
😂 vast waist land took me out,
But the good ol days will definitely be missed
I don’t think so because they don’t even have a app anymore,
once you delete anti off your phone you will have to use the web
Oh wow, I didn’t know that
I didn’t know either till I deleted it and looked for it
Our app is temporarily unavailable on the App Store. If you delete it, you won't be able to re-download it right now. 😕
We forgot to notify Apple about testing a new feature—oops! 😅 We're fixing this and will be back within 30 days.
In the meantime, our Android app and website are still available: www.antiland.com 🌐