Anyone awake? I could use a friend.
Can’t sleep. I’m sad and upset.
My boyfriend of 7 months lied to me and I asked him to leave my house
Yeah. It was over a stupid ex girlfriend of his. He said he didn’t have sex with her. Finally admitted it when caught and apologized. They’re still friends.
Im not a jealous girl. I don’t care that he has a past. But I can’t tolerate being lied to.
I’ve been cheated on many times sucker punch
Yeah I’m allergic to bs and lies myself
We are supposed to be running a 5k in a few hours with friends
I want to skip it but everyone’s shirts are in my car
Figures so what ya gonna do
I honestly don’t know. My head hurts and I want to throw up.
I need to call my therapist and AA sponsor lol
Run for you and then run away from him?
Yeah, I’m sure he’ll be given the cold shoulder at best
Once a cheater always a cheater cut your losses and move on
I’m trying to find compassion and forgiveness because I know why he lied but yeah, I don’t think I can recover from dishonesty
We’ve only been together 7 months
Hope it was t with someone you know
He didn’t sleep with her while we were together just lied about sleeping with her in the past
We all have bones in the closet that a tough one
I guess I’m going to try again to sleep. Thanks for chatting with me.
Dave, you coot.. you still here
He's a coot now? Why? What happened to his... Hat? Lol