I'm of Arab, Malaysian, south African.
Nobody is Jew in my family 🤣
>>> I'm of Arab, Malaysian, south African.
Someone from your family became muslim
I'm talking about your great great great great..... 500 years great dad
I have many Christians friends. I now live in a country that is 80% Christianity.
I'm talking about your great great great great..... 500 years great dad
Blood tell who is arab or American or muslim or hindu ?
I have come here to convert all the Christians to Muslims 😌
I said I know my roots, I didn't say I know my great great great great dad 🥴 I only have one dad
Imagine if you become Christian today
Your son would think you were all Christians 😁
That's not going to happen
I'm moving back to Saudi Arabia in the next 5 ys .
Yes it is , but I love Africa more 😌
The temperature gets to 50 degrees hot
People bath at 6-7 o clock in morning
And use devices to cool water
But now it is changing because we are coming close to the end times
Drinking Water is costly in Dubai than gas fuel
It's snowing, constantly raining, the deserts are turning green.. those are minor signs in the Qur'an
Drinking Water is costly in Dubai than gas fuel
How do you know, did the scientist prove this 😌
Surah 26, verses 123 to 139
Also it speaks about tall buildings in the middle east , how countries will compete to build them
>>> Drinking Water is costly in Dubai than gas...
By seeing it
Never been to dubai still knows
Arabs are rich selling petrol