Hello and good morning everyone
I’m doing well thanks. Still very busy at work.
Hey everyone good evening
Not much just can't sleep so here I am
Nope i got lucky i didn't
Morning everyone how's it going
We lost power for a nano second. Just enough to trip some of the electronics but never a full on power trip
That sucks we havnt I'm happy for that hopefully today will be better
We are going to the RV show in Augusta next weekend that should be cool
I was looking at campers last year….i may do something like that in the future
Can't afford the new stuff but it's fun to look
Gimme a renovated little van or bus. I work remotely.
I could happily spend forever that way just me and my kitties
Morning all what's going on
That’s weird….the app deleted me from this room. I had to “join” it again.
Nope just a relax day today
The app has been glitching non stop. Wasnt me
I didn’t think it was tbh. I said that as a joke