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SSecret Tavern ☠️

Im white, 21, and Hung AF. Love to show it too
Who wants to confess ?
I want my pregnant aunt
I’ve caught my ex and her daughter unexpectedly
Hey NoBody!
Hi Peachy
Hey hey
How you been?
Not too bad. You?
Yeah good thanks
That’s great!!!
Busy but good
Yea for sure for sure!
Do you get a relaxing weekend?
Sometimes lol
I'm certainly going to try this weekend anyway
Ive been told by my daughters that i need to have a weekend off
Or just a few days without any distraction
Yea I think that would be great. Sounds like you’ve been super busy lately.
Ill be less busy once the State side office is up and running
Well that’s good then!!!
Yeah, then I'll be bored 😅
So what have you been upto?
Haha. Nothing too much to be totally honest. Just looking forward to the weekend!
Any plans for the weekend?
Nothing really outside of cleaning and relaxing!
Relaxing yes, cleaning no lol
I'm playing golf on Friday, but so cold and wet here atm
Roll on Spring and some nicer weather
Then I'll be taking time off more for golf
Yea I’m so so soooo ready for some spring weather!
Need a fight
Feel sorry for whoever it is
Hi Capita
Whoa! What happened?
Hey hey!!!
How is everyone?
I think it’s just me and you lol. But I’m good. And you?
Any other dads love sharing secrets too?
I’m good
Cool cool!