🏆 and the best watcher award goes to Deep Voice🤍💜ɩmƒu👑🪼
I am way too talented. It's hard to just do one thing 😆
Omg, makes me enjoy my laxity 😁😁
I have a painting waiting to be worked on, knitting a blanket at lunch and my temperature one at night at home
Yeah, and I’m not too fond with how some folks label 🧶 work or other crafting activities as “too feminine of a thing to do”
Yep. Just sit back and watch the show
The juteball light looks very simple. Just a balloon and rope and gum😩😫😖😣I was so motivated
And it’s very therapeutic too
Yes, it can be relaxing to watch too
You make me feel happy I didn't do it😆
Or like how boys can only play 🚗 and girls play dolls
Nope. I was a truck & army guy playing in the dirt with my brother
I'm a girl on the outside and tomboy inside.
Like I said, kiddos nowadays are just on their devices too much
Yes they are. And almost all schools are taking arts out of the schools & music
Well, yes. Adults too. The adults needs to be able to set an example for the young ones
I'm glad to see some of the top people in knitting & other crafts are guys too.
We have failed as adults, especially me Mr watcher 😩😂
Cuz arts & music is the easy subjects to cut axe 🤦 due to poor funding. Soon, languages other than English is next on the chopping block 😮💨😮💨😮💨
Nope. Language is a requirement now. High-school has to take 2 years of a different language here in America
Yeah, I follow this content creator and he does greeting cards and other paper crafting things like I do. Just like how I also love watching drags do make up tutorials. Mind you, I don’t put any on 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but it’s always nice to just watch
I know. All that makeup to become a different person. I use very little.
I'll love to see your paper crafts 🫣
I forgot to share this the other day 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but this is prolly one of my top prideful projects. My client told me the occasion and that the person loves fruit cups. So this is the final output 🥰🥰🥰 I had so much fun creating it:
Some of these colors look so stupid together but this is becoming a nice blanket
I love colours when put together 🥰🥰🥰🥰
The more colour the better 🥰🥰🥰 cuz colours make most of us happy. For me it does 🤣🤣🤣🤣
And I’m so addicted to crafting tools 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I will not show you all my jewelry supplies.
You both are quite talented!🤩
Wait, you make jewelries?🤯👀
My jewelry order supplies. I only have a little here the rest are in storage.
Me neither 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 but I do love all things beads 🤭🤭🤭👀
I used to sketch but I’ve stopped. Now, I just like to explore new art mediums
I'm going to use my karma to buy a big house and hire you to design it. 😉
No cuz we never stop learning 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
I can do that too. I'm good at putting things together.
I love evolving my crafts
Yeah, I know another person like that in RL but with 🧶 work and fabrics too
People love to give me weird things and ask me to put them together
All yah hafta do is give her the measurements and voila! The finished item 😃😃😃
Do you have like a page where you save all your work? Like an art website
Here are two of my quilts and other jewelry
Anyone I can talk to on here please
I thought I did just a collage of some quilts but nope
Are those like precious stones and jems
Wow, Leo!
Those are very fascinating!
I'm getting into work with an opal dealer to buy a bucket of raw bolder opal from Australia
I will be back in a few minutes. I need to see what the American Legion is serving for dinner
Well i will eat somewhere else.
I think i will get changed and get presentable. Go shopping for a bit then dinner & drinks with my legion friends
Have a great even y'all and stay safe, happy & warm.
Great chatting with y'all too!
Your room is pleasant to visit!🤩
You are always welcome. It's not always busy in here but we are always nice to talk with
I'm a shy guy, I can watch when my introverted side strikes haha
It's after midnight. I'm going to sleep.
Thanks, Leo!
Sleep well!☺️🎶