I'm doing my shopping soon 😂 but most of my gifts are online anyways so they are sort of instant
>>> That reminds me 😔
Dear lord dont tell me you're still shopping
>>> Telling someone there a problem cause they...
Dont buy expensive gifts. Especially in todays economy. Things break way to easily.
You need to be arrested 💀💀
>>> Buy temporary gifts like crack, can't go w...
Untill next year when they ask for an escape helicopter 🤫
Pffft yeah yeah. At least now I know what to get you for christmas 😌
Crack coal would be more efficient than nuclear power 😩
And your reactors would be hyped!
Don't ruin it, tell them the truth to begin with, lol
Want to sleep but can’t sleep
I know I would have preferred that, personally
>>> I hate you so much 🤣
Ty. Love you too bro
To be fair, have any of you seen the new crystal that lasts for 5000 years or whatever it was
Minerals are quite durable usually
I mean as in power generated, its like a 5000 year long battery 👀
Really it's all been a matter of humans trying to figure out how to utilize them effectively
And then one day
One magic day he passed my way🎶
Hello I'm new here just checking things out
This seems like a chill room
Too late in the day to sleep now 😭
complaining about being banned? Leave or ill throw u out
mods, pls ban onsight brandon and peanutbuttterbrownie
Dont let them talk again here
We dont need people who complains about being banned, we can survive without them
>>> We dont need people who complains about be...
I totally agree we don't need all that negativity