I can't think off of memory
>>> Lmfao be nice
I don’t mind just wondering
Damn. Wonder if he has me shtting on them tapes
I am too busy fighting this last scree
He definitely got me straining
I'm glad dolphin don't mind stretch marks
>>> I don’t mind just wondering
Im a mom
K got a whole football team
All moms have stretch marks???
You got stretch marks on those bee stings Karla
>>> Dude you 28 yo 💀
Nigga and?
Why you fighting your last hook up rem
Stretch marks attractive wyd
Damn my dude came in swinging
I’m not being mean im just curious
Cuz I like it rough Flash. Duh
You're curious about stretch marks go ask your mother
Idk if all moms have em but I do
>>> You're curious about stretch marks go ask ...
U seem personally attacked
I am not a mom and I have some on my hips
Flash got stretch marks on his balls
I got stretch marks on my head too