So just say viagara randomly
If I can’t see him he blocked me too
And that’s gonna make me 😡
What’s ur question chilly
So my dumb cousin made an acc to a scam website
🫢cow how old is this cousin?
Chi bout to be sold on the dark web.
But accidentally put in the wrong expiration date and cvv
(Totally not gonna be the first bid)
So it said the card didn’my go through but it went to a loading screen
And than back to the create acc page
Buuuuuut they could use a password cracker.
So could they still keep that card info even tho it was wrong
Tell him to call the cc company to see if the transaction went through. Also to send him a new card . Ez
But the expiration day was wrong
Well yeah if it’s a scam website they can save data easily
Then why he paranoid, if he wants peace of mind call the cc company
It was with my dads card bro
So that’s why I’m nervous ima be the one to get in trouble e
They can crack it Chi. Think about it there are only 31 days to try. But also that in combination with their month and the numbers of the card adds exponential factoss
Rem my hair looks like a birds nest rn
That’s the whole point they will run the numbers in different IP’s normally they sell the credit card numbers to other people but if they don’t have the right one I mean
Im waiting for it to dry so i can straighten it, i hate this sht rn 😭
Still a good cracking software could do it in a day or less.
But the thing is o don’t think the account was made
Post it Gamez. Make me a happy gangsta turtle
Becasue it said card decline
But he refreshed the page to long