Have you ever eaten at a Michelin star restaurant?
That was a Michelin star restaurant
Kitty have you ever rolled a premium foreskin back?
tender kitty 🇷🇺 should I shave my head babe
Russians have lots of foreskin it’s what’s keeping them warm in the trenches right now
Do you think I should tender kitty 🇷🇺
Once upon a time not long ago I was a ho n I’m admittin it
Imagine one of kitty’s family members in the trenches licks
Mo money I want Cho money
tender kitty 🇷🇺 stop being silly
She needs attention so bad
Another one bites the dust
Hopefully all Russians will be wiped out
Even the ones who have been adopted ?
Even the 2 day old baby’s
I’m in palermo rn and they have catacombs