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>>> Dm that 🍑 Will i get 🐔
This girl really gonna get dumped
>>> Will i get 🐔 No
Five one zero nine three eight one zero three zero
>>> This girl really gonna get dumped Well u sure u will find another taco
Damn the wife gains a few pounds n you want to leave her
Just sad
A few ? 💀
She gained half a person
I don’t believe in divorce
You men are never satisfied 😔
Dm 🔥
If it was a girl saying that y’all would be “Leave his lazy ass”
>>> I don’t believe in divorce Prolly u would if u werent bald
Five one zero five seven nine eight six one two
When I get married sorry but we dying together
Newbie here
I’m not bald
>>> When I get married sorry but we dying toge... NOOB TAKE NOTE
Wait how much weight she gain
Another bored stoner
He said 70lbs
Just take her for the gastric bypass
Would anyone like to have a normal, clean chat? c:
And she refuses to lose it
Noob can u go w me to countdown rave
>>> NOOB TAKE NOTE Not many of me
No I can’t
You gonna flake
I just need a bodyguard while im tripping i can pay u w taco
Used up taco probably
Is ur sausage unused?
>>> Is ur sausage unused? Somewhat
Hell nah lmao
>>> Somewhat Elaborate pls
>>> Hell nah lmao Ew
It might as well be new