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Europa Zachodnia/


oh not a sleep joint
I have dog for sleep joint
Guys someone just said Dublin isn’t in the U.K. 😂😂
u smoke dog
It's a part of Britain
good for you squid
where they smoke dog?
Yes I smoke dog
uk is boring
All the niggas in the house say yoooooooo
home or park etc
Dublin isn’t part of the UK
House niggas?
I’m cranky
What about stoke hahahahaha
>>> What about stoke hahahahaha I live there
what does that mean trisha
Imma throw a couple espresso shots in my protein shake this morning 💀💀
no you’re not staying up are you
Masters got me working
Lmaooo Same
Yeah I have to work at 7 💀
>>> Lmaooo Same Meir
And I woke up at 5 arguing w this man
It’s gunna be a long day Lmfaoo
Wait is that Dan 😂😂
>>> Burslem I work in longton
hope it’s not too bad!
>>> Guys someone just said Dublin isn’t in the... i mean it kind of isn’t
but it’s complicated
It’s the Republic of Ireland
only northern ireland is part of the uk, and dublin isn’t there
but the republic of ireland is still heavily connected to the uk tho
Well, U.K. means united kingdom which includes Ireland
They are an EU member
But if you mean England then no
Ireland isn’t that kingdom anymore though, Northern Ireland is
No they aren’t part of the United Kingdom
Depends who you ask really
No it’s fact
Ask an Irish then yes, there’s not
Well if you ask someone and they tell you it’s a part of the body that is the UK, then how is Ireland also in the EU?
even people in northern ireland don’t like that their in the uk
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