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For the past 7 yrs
Long off
Cool I went to Tinashe
>>> Long off 🧌
At the container bar before it shut down
At south by
I can play the baseline from Jenny was a friend
Idk her
Good artist
I used to work for acl
Who is puking first?
>>> Humping my teddy bear🥺🥺 That's weird
That is cool
The network lol
If it’s not boiling crab, I don’t want it
I used to love river rave!
>>> Who is puking first? I saw that stuff and I said nope
Hi how are you baby
I wish I could turn the music up louder
I’m Available for hookup
Turn it up, doofus
Me! I’d rather have just good ol whiskey on the rocks or neat
I saw Greenday, Offspring, Manson all in one day
What’s stopping you
Nate im almost ready
Man greeen day was the first
>>> Me! I’d rather have just good ol whiskey on … You ever had Elijah Craig?
New Found Glory
I saw when I was 10
Damn. Gamez got all waxed and whatnot for N8
Got damn bro just send me an invite bro
Damn I miss NFG
Fav greenday song?
I just can’t this
I swear I told you the truth
Nfg is My Friends Over You