Talkin bout 35 when you 33 look tiny Tim you ain’t big enough to beat me nice try too bad at ur age you still ain’t even left the nest man
To f with me little boy you better have at least 3 hairs on ur chest im astronomical you just a molecule you will simply be ignored in this game better run and hide little piggy im the big bad wolf ask ur mom she know my name its eman sick twisted and sinister last might I ate ur moms jay jay for dinner
This room gettin
Thinner might as well declare me th...
the winner f’d ur mom and ur sister musta mister put a fist im er amd sired it on t#itter
Careful what you wish for cause ur words are a bore but i wont ignore the sin of one of my whores now ur mom out of work and out the door back to the street corner same as I had her but