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The foregoing is only a brief summary of the Company's terms of use, which govern your conduct and use of the service.

Community Guidelines


Welcome to AntiLand, an inclusive realm where individuals can freely express themselves, find support, and connect with others under the cloak of anonymity. Our mission resonates with creating a world where no one feels alone. AntiLand is a high karma society where social support, mutual respect, compassion and community growth are rewarded.

By using AntiLand, you embrace the ethos of a judgment-free mindset and agree to uphold the guidelines outlined in this document, ensuring a harmonious co-existence with fellow members.

1. Guiding Principles

Our guiding principles are simple yet profound; respect for diversity, fostering compassion, and maintaining accountability. In AntiLand, we foster a safe haven for the most sensitive souls, ensuring that their interests are protected and valued. Emotional abuse in any form—be it bullying, mocking, diminishing, gaslighting, mobbing, harassment, shaming, stalking, or sexual harassment (such as sending unsolicited explicit images) is strictly prohibited.

We take pride in nurturing a culture that stands against the promotion of intolerant movements including, but not limited to, Nazis, KKK, Confederates, and similar ideologies. These principles are the bedrock of AntiLand, aiming to provide a supportive atmosphere where healthy interactions flourish.

2. Adult-only Community (18+)

No individual under the age of 18 is permitted to download or utilize the AntiLand app. It is strictly forbidden to impersonate a user under the age of 18 for any reason, whether it be for pranks, experimentation, or humor. Sharing or requesting explicit or suggestive content featuring minors is categorically prohibited.

Additionally, any attempt to scout for or engage with teenagers is considered a severe breach of our guidelines and may be seen as an act with malicious intent. The term 'teenagers' is often associated with individuals under 18, and as such, any mentions or requests for 'teens' are viewed with utmost concern and will not be tolerated under any circumstance.

Moderators and staff of AntiLand have the authority to request proof of age to ensure adherence to this rule, safeguarding the community against potential risks.

3. Forever Anonymous

AntiLand is committed to being a haven of anonymity, providing a space where individuals can express their authentic selves without the veil of judgment that often accompanies personal identifiers. As such, any attempts to de-anonymize our users by seeking or divulging personal data is considered a severe violation of our community guidelines. This includes, but is not limited to, requests or sharing of phone numbers, home addresses, or invitations to connect on external platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, Kik, Telegram, WhatsApp, Google Hangouts, Facebook, or TikTok. We strictly prohibit any such actions, whether overt or veiled, that threaten the anonymous sanctuary we strive to maintain. It is paramount that every user adheres to this principle, ensuring that AntiLand continues to be a safe refuge for honest self-expression.

4. Nudity and Sexual Activity

At AntiLand, we maintain a strict policy against the sharing of explicit or suggestive imagery, ensuring a conducive environment for all users. The following are considered inappropriate and are not allowed: imagery of real nude adults showcasing visible genitalia or anus; explicit or implied sexual activity and stimulation; explicit or implied sexual intercourse or oral sex, defined by the interaction of mouth or genitals with another individual's genitals or anus; explicit or implied stimulation of genitalia or anus, which includes inserting objects such as sex toy; erections; presence of by-products of sexual activity; sex toys placed upon or inserted into the mouth; and fetish content that involves acts likely to lead to the death of a person or animal, dismemberment, cannibalism, and involvement of feces, urine, spit, snot, menstruation, or vomit, as well as bestiality.

5. Inappropriate Sexual Advances

At AntiLand, we foster a culture of mutual equal respect between all genders. Any messages that imply, request, or encourage explicit sexual content or behaviors, such as requests for nudity, genital exposure, or sexually suggestive dialogues, are considered violations by default and border with sexual harassment.

In private Clubs or Channels, the founders and chat moderators have the discretion to allow or disallow sexually suggestive messages based on mutual consent of other members, provided such content does not breach any other general guidelines. Regardless of the chat room, sharing exposed genitals, anuses, pornography, or content depicting underage individuals is strictly prohibited across all Clubs and Channels.

6. Obscene Expressions

Users must respect other anonymous users. Don't swear in any places where your text might be seen by people who might not like it. These places include Clubs (group chats), Channels, private chats, photos, nicknames, and "About me" section. It is not allowed to use obscene words in a disguised, hidden or veiled way without consent of all the viewers present.

If you cannot express your feelings without rude expressions, a special Club will be added to your chat list automatically where rude and swearing is allowed for therapeutic purposes, and every member of this Club automatically gives consent for it. You are allowed to send rude messages in this designated area without affecting the family and religious values of the interlocutors.

7. Shaming

At AntiLand, we celebrate diversity and encourage self-expression. Shaming someone based on their appearance, actions, or decisions is strictly against our community ethos. Whether it's body shaming, karma envy, or disapproval of someone's attempt to put a karma price on their content, such behavior is considered aggressive and is unacceptable. Shaming not only harms the targeted individuals, but it deteriorates the welcoming atmosphere we strive to maintain. By abstaining from shaming, we contribute to a more respectful and understanding community where everyone can freely express themselves without fear of ridicule or humiliation.

8. Bullying

Bullying is an act that undermines the safety and respect that defines our community. Engaging in persistent mocking, belittling, or intimidating behavior towards other users is strictly prohibited. This includes any form of threat, mockery based on personal or physical attributes, or attempts to undermine the rights and privileges of others, such as those held by moderators. AntiLand is committed to providing a supportive environment, and bullying of any form is a direct violation of this commitment. It's crucial to report bullying and stand up for fellow users, ensuring that our platform remains a haven of positivity and support.

9. Harassment

Harassment, whether verbal or behavioral, is not tolerated on AntiLand. This includes unwanted advances, stalking, or any form of intimidation. Our moderators are here to ensure a harmonious environment, and should they, or any user, feel harassed, it's essential to voice such concerns. On encountering harassment, assertively express your discomfort by saying, “Sorry, but I do not accept any form of harassment. Please be polite, or I will have to report/ban you for aggressive behavior.” By fostering a culture of respect and standing against harassment, we uphold the core values of peace and respect that embody the spirit of AntiLand.

10. Spam and Advertising

Advertising any apps, events, or affiliate programs, either directly or in a veiled, hidden manner, is not allowed. Links, brand names, or pictures containing apps or websites will be construed as spam.

11. Misrepresentation and Impersonation

Engaging in deceitful behavior by impersonating others or misusing their images or videos is strictly against the principles of AntiLand. This includes, but is not limited to, using someone else's photos or videos and portraying oneself as that individual, which not only violates their copyright but also undermines the trust and safety within our community. Additionally, masquerading as a member of the AntiLand moderators or staff when one is not, is expressly prohibited. Such deceptive actions are taken very seriously and will incur stringent penalties to preserve the integrity and trustworthiness of the AntiLand environment.

12. Message Flooding

Engaging in flooding, which entails sending numerous messages in rapid succession, is strictly prohibited in AntiLand. This disruptive behavior is often driven by an attempt to gain karma points illegitimately or to overwhelm particular Clubs, thereby hindering meaningful interactions within our community. Such actions undermine the essence of thoughtful communication and community engagement that AntiLand strives for. Users found to be flooding themselves or with the help of scripts or bots will face significant consequences, including but not limited to, banishment, loss of accumulated karma, and deletion of all connected accounts. We strongly urge all members to communicate in a respectful and orderly manner, ensuring a positive experience for everyone on the platform.

13. Karma

Users with adequate behavior usually have high karma. If you chat normally and help people express their feelings, your karma will grow. Users who break rules, annoy other users and receive complaints, bans or blocks, usually have their karma level close to zero.

14. Unauthorized Resale

Karma, along with all avatars and accessories, are proprietary assets under the copyright of AntiLand. They are integral to the user experience and are meant to enhance interaction within our community. Users found to be partaking in the unauthorized buying or selling of karma, accounts, avatars, or accessories will face stringent action, which may include permanent banning from AntiLand. We urge all users to adhere to this guideline and only utilize the official channels provided by AntiLand for any transactions involving karma or other platform assets to ensure a fair and respectful community environment.

15. Sale of Goods and Services

Offering services, real-life gifts, gift cards, photos, or videos for money, cryptocurrencies or other external rewards is prohibited.

16. Banned users

If a user is banned, he or she is given a chance to rehabilitate.

If user is banned in one Club only, appeal can be initiated by sending /appealban in the Club where user was banned. This will open a private chat with one of the Club's moderators. Club Founders and Moderators shall listen to the appeal, and have the rights and the tools to cancel any active ban if it doesn't violate the Community Guidelines of AntiLand. If any of the Club Founders or Moderators cancels a ban that was issued for violating Community Guidelines, their privileges can be removed and accounts suspended.

If someone continues violating the Guidelines or even engage in creating multiple accounts for avoiding the disciplinary limitations, all their accounts and devices may be suspended and deleted from AntiChat forever.

If someone is banned in a Club or Channel where other violators stayed unpunished, they must report their violations too using by pressing their avatars and the [Report] button.

17. Prohibited Ideologies

Promotion or glorification of intolerant ideologies or movements, including but not limited to Nazis, KKK, Confederates, etc., is strictly prohibited.

18. Inappropriate content also includes:

Content that is defamatory or mean-spirited, including derogatory references or commentary about religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, or other targeted groups, especially if such content is likely to harm or threaten the targeted individual or group.

Realistic portrayals of people or animals being killed, maimed, tortured, or abused, or content that encourages violence.

Depictions and messages that encourage illegal or reckless use of weapons, drugs, and dangerous objects.

Inflammatory religious commentary or inaccurate or misleading quotations of religious texts.

Depictions of extreme phobias, or particularly distasteful or disturbing content such as holes in hands or peeling feet imagery.

19. Social Responsibility

Each member of AntiLand holds the responsibility to report any observed violations. To report a violation, long-press the message that breaches the Community Guidelines and select [Report] from the pop-up menu. If individuals criticize moderators for not banning certain content, yet they failed to correctly report the violation, they may be deemed as accomplices in the violation and banned from the Community.

Final Remarks

Your engagement with AntiLand signifies your agreement to abide by the guidelines set forth in this document. While the essence of these guidelines is captured at the outset, we encourage a thorough reading to ensure a well-rounded understanding.

This document is subject to change, and continued use of AntiLand post any modifications implies immediate acceptance. We value your cooperation in maintaining a respectful and supportive environment for all members.