Alright, might be getting sick. How about you?
Ughh. That sucks. Sorry to hear that right before the holidays.
Thanks, thankfully it's not too bad at the moment
That’s good. Take some Emergency and boost your Vit C. lol
So how’s this app. Just joined. Decent at all?
Ha! Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
I've been on and off a few years. Met some cool people, but a lot of bots and scammers
More bots in recent years
So typical like every other app.
Yup lol. Seems most of the same people cycle on and off of here, of the people that are real
So where on Long Island is everyone?
Doing well thank you. Yourself?
Ha. Yea! I hear ya. Woke up at 7:30 to chase sanitation down the block to give them their Christmas card. Lmao
Couldn’t go back to sleep.
Hi Alice. Sorry, missed your greeting. lol
Same here, the town came to pick up leaves, and was kinda noisy lol
Everyone else exhausted already yet? lol
I am, sadly my cold is getting worse
That sucks. Sorry to hear that
Merry Christmas everyone.
Ughhhhh. Hope Santa broke in quietly for everyone.
Hope Santa was good to everyone
I washed my hands so much cooking too lol, they are really dry now
He puts the lotion on or he gets the hose again.