Ya gw pndh ke room lain krn room ini juga ga guna
Ad satu room, foundernya Indo...hobi ban gw
Itu kasus korup gile bener yg ke blow up sm presiden baru
Tp klo gw ga ad Dy kangen
Lama bgt gw nganggur woy 😭😭😭
Mana ayang gw berjuang ga dapet sinyal
Ad satu room lagi, Dior punya, private room
Ad Indo namanya pearl...kita curhat dsna...me gabung?
Apa yg paling baik buat gw
Dear diary I miss my new syrian man
He's working and fasting now...I can't bother him
I'm not his gf yet, but I call him husband and he calls me wife, although it's a joke
And we talk about our sexuality alot
Yes, I easily like people who are fast
His education biomedical engineering
He's passive aggressive. When I chase him he runs away. When Im passive he's aggressive and keeps pming me
I know nothing serious about us...so theres possibility I'll flirt with other men. And there's possibility he gonna be jealous and angry
But I'll try not to hurt his pride if he treats me well
I just don't want to expect much from men
Her parents said the same
Be quite sol and just give up
Why r u always here? Always waiting for me?🤨
Why u care so much about me 🥰
Come in here in every account u have so I can block every one of them please
I don't think even wanna come here
Someone asked me if my no.26 got banned
I can't answer cos I don't remember which one is number 26