It is great but if the opponent just blunders their queen on move 4 it is an accuracy to be expected
just a bishop on move 12 in a bullet game, it was destined to be a tough game resulting in a loss because it was against an indian
oh you like chess? wait until you find out about croatia
😂😂thats what i was hoping to see
oh thats the trompowsky trap? thats huge
Idk what its called, I don't study chess, I just play
You are obviously a student of the game
yeah i still suck at it tho
I'm on an app, I'm doing pretty well, top 10 of the legends league,, thinking to myself, 'I must be pretty good' then you meet a real chess player, very humbling experience, he took all my pieces with just his queen, couldn't believe my eyes 😂
oh nah, the league doesnt matter, only the rating does lol
The league only takes into account games played lol Though I’ll say if you play a lot you should improve if you analyse ur games and mistakes!
>>> The league only takes into account games p...
That's how I learnt
Did a cool brilliant against a 2000 bot the other day…
…White to move and make the internet’s chess teacher proud!
oh man... i can hear it...
Rxe6 attacks the queen and if fxe6 its Qxg6 and black is dead
And then bot doubled down so again we get to please our teacher…
oh its forced mate in 3 now? can it even be stopped
Yeah exactly, can’t be stopped.
Kinda funny that it’s mistake left the dark squares open but white crashes through and mates via the occupied light squares
i gained 77 elo in the past 3 days
Don’t boo spam the brilliant emote !! !! !!
That’s dope you came up. Now go get those puzzle points back!
screw puzzles, i just hit 1000 rapid for the first time in my life
Nice! Welcome to the 4 digits club
theyre gonna call kramnik on me😭😭