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Show balls
Stretch marks also come from ex overweight women
I can't show balls rn
Or if you gain weight too fast
It's cold
Aw man
I got mine in hs.
Yeah over gain
Hips went ⏳
Stretch marks come if u gain muscle too fast too
Wanna see that
The rest wasn't fat though
I am not sending hs pics
Yeah my biceps have red stretch marks
You should
So we all getting fkd over by stretch marks
>>> I am not sending hs pics What’s HS
Nah Asian people don't get stretch marks
Not even wrinkles
Gotta be that exotic diet
Ok bye
Yes they do. Stop being weird
Those mfs look 20 they whole life until they 72
I’m brushing me teeef
Let’s cuddle fresita
About time
Go you
Once they hit 72 they turn into Mr Miyagi
Ok mami k I’m comming bb
I know 20 Asian women with stretch marks
Looks like I'm bout to be left alone here soon
I'll never leave you Larry
Can I bust a nut on ur pretty face
Sorry wrong chat
Rem you breathe through that nose?
I don't know how