He's been heartbroken biatch
Nobody wants a broke man dummy biatch
Heyy Any female wanna watch my explode? HMU quickly 🤤 biatch
Who hurt you Lava…. Cmere bby 🫴🏽 biatch
Ppl here like to smash biatch
I never said broke u pretentious slut biatch
Nobody wants a broke plus ugly plus creep like lava biatch
No wonder men cheat on you biatch
Heyy Any female wanna watch my explode? HMU quickly 🤤 biatch
You need to ask Delight's permision, to talk to me biatch
I don’t have it 🤣💀 biatch
U go for guys out ur league biatch
Nobody wants a broke plus ugly plus creep like lava biatch
>>> Nobody wants a broke man dummy biatch
Well money ain't everything
He looks gae in the pic his mouth literally plump and open biatch.
Bluebird I can message now you after the apology 👀 biatch
Mai hu yaha jabtak biatch
Heyy Any female wanna watch my explode? HMU quickly 🤤 biatch
I wonder who is lava biatch
Below average lava 🔪 biatch
He’s in bed shirtless in the pic and he put a sticker emoji of a tiger on his shoulders biatch
Llegeix més...