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الصفحة الرئيسية/المواضيع/

have yall ever tried breaking out of a loop dream and when yall managed to do it after sm effort everything got dark and heard a voice saying “you’re not supposed to do that”? or js me? ight imma go to sleep😭🙏

have yall ever tried breaking out of a loop dream and when yall managed to do it after sm effort everything got dark and heard a voice saying “you’re not supposed to do that”? or js me? ight imma go to sleep😭🙏
I think u should defo sleep
When you’re off the pills for a week:
Your own your own and I think that’s lucid Dream
Your actually a psychopath this never happened
why is bro sending a paragraph
I think what you’re trying to describe is a paradox that many patients face when they are off sleep for 2 days or let’s say 1 day without sleep straight up, this is a delusional thought unless you believe in die hard conspiracies
i get 8 hours of sleep everyday one way or another
Be honest with yourself