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One time we drove to the crip park, and there was 20 of them standing around
Free Crip Mac
Dog is a canibal confirmed
My friend was terrified on my car floor
Dm 4fun
Telling me to GTFOH
Was he a blood?
Dm 4fun
I invite you to a chatroom 'Live Pics 📸': https:chat.antiland.comEzxKIydAtR
He should’ve just chilled out and embraced the way of the crip
This was the early 2000s
American people are tapped
>>> Dm 4fun I tried
Millis Bargain getting me right
when all that gang stuff was at its peak
I wanna feed them hamburgers
I feel like people are too high on social media to care about gangs anymore
They just wanna make tiktoks and have a transgender experience
um what
But in south-central and watts, and Compton. It can get pretty active still.
Hi bratty smelly beast
u caca head
Kiss me
🎱, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Stop in your story.
Right now they’re supposed to be a peace treaty of the Hispanic gangs in California
I mean what
would rather die
Where are the hairy ladies
Stop using drugs
Su bratty that would make your day
no it wouldn’t
Stop the whoring around
The Mexican mafia gave order to all the Hispanic gangs to stop gang violence
i don’t want to kiss a druggie
You’d be remembering the whole experience for like 5 weeks afterwards
no hippie loser
So if you’re a Hispanic gang member and you get arrested for gang banging in Cali
You get whacked in prison
I'm officially leaving Cali George
I (wouldn’t mind) kissing a shy anxious American girl who plays Roblox and has pepperoni nips
Going home for Christmas
where r u going ruler
I invite you to a chatroom 'BLACK GIRLS👸🏿👸🏽👸🏾': https:chat.antiland.com3mFurzs8LA
Where’s home
>>> I (wouldn’t mind) kissing a shy anxious Am... i hope u choke
I’d at least feel like I’ve done a good deed
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